Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Saw this on a friend’s blog and thought I’d copy- what a great idea! In no particular order, here I am!

I like early morning snuggle sessions and breathing in the joy that is my children

I like bear hugs from my family

I like knowing that God has my back

I like hot and spicy cheez-its and jalapeño poppers

I like making out with my hubby (Grandma, ignore this one)

I like McDonald’s hazelnut iced coffee

I like it when my family is healthy and not missing school/work

I like it when I get to see my children show their love for each other

I like when I get more than 7 hours sleep (this is rare)

I like the dimple on Ava's right cheek and Isaac's left cheek that shows up when they smile

I like walking into Isaac’s room at 4:30am in the pitch black and not having to turn a light on cuz he’s reaching out for his mama and he knows I'll be there

I like baby soft skin that smells so incredibly yummy

I like watching my children’s eyes dance

I like Jason’s dreamy blue eyes, his broad shoulders and fabulous abs and calves and bum ;)

I like lasagna and garlic bread with a salad on the side when the ranch barely touches everything and mixes together

I like pumpkin and apple pie candles

I like when Ava says to me, tell Daddy I did a good job mama

I like hydrangeas, calla lilies, fall mums, gerbera daisies, brown eyed susans, lavender, and azaleas

I like singing out loud in my car with Air 1 turned up as high as I can stand it without blowing the speakers (warning, no kids ear drums were harmed in this situation)

I like no traffic days

I like quiet time in the morning with a fresh cup of coffee and God’s encouraging word

I like dancing with my children

I like hearing Isaac growl like a tiger, do what the gorilla does and hop like a bunny rabbit

I like watching Ava prance around in her high heels, princess dress, and butterfly wings as we go for our evening walks.

I like foot rubs and getting my hair played with

I like Isaac’s mean face

I like Jason’s jokes and random thoughts, and inspirations and ability to dream of our future when all I can think about what will I make for dinner

I like Ava’s bounce in her step

I like fudgy brownies with ice-cream and a cup of coffee.

I like how Isaac swings his left arm side to side when he walks and how it moves faster when he runs.
I like how Ava nurtures her baby dolls and rocks them while singing to them

I like sunrises and stepping out into the cool with a robe on while listening to the quiet morning

I like taking pictures of my family and venturing out of Auto into the world of a bazillion settings and trying to learn them all

I like how my pup crawls in my lap anytime he knows I’m upset

I like it when Jason makes the meal

I like anything girly: lip-gloss, hot pink or bright red nail polish, perfume, flip flops, long dangly necklaces, big earrings, and flowers in my hair

I like it when laundry is caught up (btw, this never happens!)

I like to thank God for everything he’s given me every single day

I like it when I have a big presentation or meeting that I’m so nervous about speaking publicly and that huge feeling of relief when it’s over

I like encouragement and appreciation. A kind word gets me through just about anything.

I like how Jason makes me laugh and gets me to loosen up and when he doesn’t say, Just relax Crystal!

I like the smell of fresh coffee brewing

I like going to bed with a clean kitchen

I like lifting my arms up in the air as high as I can praising God during Sunday morning services with a child on my hip watching and dancing at the same time.

I like talking to my mama almost every day

I like 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 2:13, Romans 12:11, Matthew 6:27, and James 1:3-4 just to name a few

I like to laugh, that really deep gut laugh where you can’t stop it from just coming out

I like to imagine what my life will be like in 5, 10, 40 years

I like team meetings with my hubby

I like to pray for my family, that God will protect them and help me to show them how very much I love them What do you like?! Leave me a comment with something you like. Have a great day all!


  1. I like all your 'likes'. haha.

    I like a good gut laugh too. And I like it when I can make my husband smile at me and laugh, and shake his head.

    I like homemade banana bread and homemade clam chowder.

    I like it when my little boy cuddles up next to my little girl while they are watching Cat in the Hat in our bed.

    I like Happy Days!

    On that note, Happy Tuesday.

  2. I like reminders like this to enjoy all parts of life and to take nothing for granted ;-)

  3. Crystal--your post made me tear up. Thank you for starting to blog. You are awesome :)

    I like a big glass of red wine after my babies go to sleep at night

    I like gas station french vanilla cappucinos

    I like how much wonder, excitement, anxiety, and beauty my children bring to my world

    I like beach walks

    I like being barefoot

    I like clorox wipes

    I like to read

    I like lying out my childrens clothes at night so I don't have to think about (or argue) what will be wearing the next day

    I like Cassidy's big curly ringlets, her passion for singing and dancing, and how she squeezes me real tight and tells me "I love you mommy" for no reaason at all. Oh..and how she says her meal time prayer at bedtime :)

    I like Zachary's crazy curly hair, his deep belly laugh when people start chasing him, how he bobbles his whole self from side to side in his high chair when he's being silly, how careful he is taking his steps as he's learning how to walk, and how he cruises so incredibly fast to the bathtub the second I turn on the faucet.

    There's a start..but hey, it's YOUR blog :)

  4. What an awesome blog! I thought about all my likes with each one of yours! Here are a couple.
    I like Aubrey's ear that sticks out just a little bit further than the other.

    I like Gabe's genuine laugh.

    I like that Brandon and I still laugh so hard we cry!

    I like that my kids have such awesome grandparents and we have awesome parents.

    I like hearing giggles coming from the kids rooms when they are playing.

    I like having mommy time, now and then.

    I like a good margarita.

    I like Brandons blue eyes, they make me melt.

    I like a clean house and freshly cut grass all on the same day.

    I like looking at the stars on a clear, cool night.

    ok, maybe i need to start a blog too! Thanks for this Crystal. I could have gone on for ever!

  5. Awww, you guys are great!!! Thanks so much for participating, how fun!
